We use standardized tests to measure the effectiveness of the KidsVoyager Online Phonic Engine Method. The Method has significantly impacted the lives of children with a broad range of literacy issues. The results you see below are typical of the results achieved by children whose parents are supportive of their efforts. Every child whose parents are supportive, have achieved substantial gains, like those below. The results below represent children who use KidsVoyager Online 1 - 2 hours per week at our center.
Michael had a language delay, and had been experiencing difficulties in school. Michael used KidsVoyager Online at our literacy center for about a year and a half. During the last 6 months (not shown on this graph) he advanced across the entire spectrum, particularly in vocabulary and comprehension, gaining one year, and one and a half years, respectively. He became an extremely prolific and enthusiastic writer, creating stories and essays up to 8 pages long, using KidsVoyager Animated StoryWriter. Michael came to our center approximately once or twice a week, for a one hour KidsVoyager Online session.
Gabi was a bright second grader, who was reading well below grade level. She had a history of speech and language issues, which we had previously treated her for. Prior to working with the Phonic Engine Method, she had received substantial tutoring to address her literacy problems, but was not making progress. However, by third grade, she had moved from the lowest reading group in her class, to the highest, with test scores well above grade level. She was also one of two children who, when they first started with us, stated "I hate to read!" After several months, she stated, "I love to read!" She came back for a visit in fourth grade. Have a look at the nine minute "interview."
Gabi's Interview
James came to us because he was having difficulties in school, both with respect to reading and class participation. His teachers came to believe he had word finding problems. He enrolled in our Phonic Engine literacy program, where his literacy needs (as well as underlying language issues) were addressed. As you can see, he made rapid progress in a relatively short period of time.
Learn How to Get Started

Gabi was a bright second grader, who was reading well below grade level. She had a history of speech and language issues, which we had previously treated her for. Prior to working with the Phonic Engine Method, she had received substantial tutoring to address her literacy problems, but was not making progress. However, by third grade, she had moved from the lowest reading group in her class, to the highest, with test scores well above grade level. She was also one of two children who, when they first started with us, stated "I hate to read!" After several months, she stated, "I love to read!" She came back for a visit in fourth grade. Have a look at the nine minute "interview."

James came to us because he was having difficulties in school, both with respect to reading and class participation. His teachers came to believe he had word finding problems. He enrolled in our Phonic Engine literacy program, where his literacy needs (as well as underlying language issues) were addressed. As you can see, he made rapid progress in a relatively short period of time.